
Sunday, August 29, 2010

wine, divas, and chemical engineers

Sometimes you just need a good night of sitting around with the girls, wine in hand, Drop Dead Diva on that television, and junk food lining the coffee table. I needed that night. I went over to my friends apartment expecting to have girly gossip hour before our show came on and we would gush over the hot guy that appeared on the screen. 

McDonalds in hand, comfy clothes on I arrived at her house. Immediately the stories started flowing. I heard all about her new friend whom she had extracurricular activities with the night before. And I told her about my weekend of being a DD, and making Taco Bell runs at 2 in the morning because my drunk friends wanted nachos. Yeah I live an exciting life. I know. Before our show came on I was informed we would be going to her neighbors house to watch. He had a nice tv and was letting us use it. 

She was right, he had a nice tv. And he was nice. Reassured me he was indeed straight. He's a graduate student. Chemical engineering. 

We watched the show, screamed at the television when something we disliked happened, and sipped our drinks out of plastic cups. We were being college kids. Enjoying our last moments of the weekend before we were pushed back into reality bright and early Monday morning.  

Tomorrow I continue with my junior year. Management, Information Systems, and Small Business classes fill my day tomorrow. It should be an interesting day. A normal Monday of course. Hopefully nothing will happen to throw off my normal Monday. 

This coming up weekend marks a very wonderful event in this small town. Football season begins. And with a 6 pm kick off, it's safe to say that a majority of the student body will be drunk before 4. Just gotta make it to the weekend, workin for the weekend. 

Only five more days to go and I'll be home free...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

first day on the job

With a Criminal Minds marathon planned, Small Business Finance homework begging to get finished, and a stomach growling angrily at me, I, in my genius moment decided to start a blog. Maybe it's because I read so many blogs from other people online. Maybe it's because I felt like writing my "college adventures" down so I'll remember them. Or maybe it's because I needed one more thing to distract me from school.

I'm going with the latter.

So here it is, my blog. I don't really see anyone reading this. It's more of a guilty pleasure to have and to make me feel important. That way when I'm sitting in class and something AMAZING happens, I can say "oh, I'm totally blogging about this when I get home." Maybe I'll just say that in my head and not out loud. I mean I do sit by a cute redhead [in not one but two of classes] wouldn't want him to think I'm strange or awkward.

It's Sunday afternoon internet world. I've officially caught up on all my blog reading, wasted enough time on facebook stalking people from high school, and successfully avoided the mess in my room; I guess that means I should do something productive with my last hours of the weekend before my first full week of junior year begins. Finance here I come. Pencil at the ready.