
Monday, November 8, 2010

Learning so much in so little

This past weekend I went to the camp I worked at this summer and taught canoe to about 140 people. The high the entire weekend was going to be 51 and the low would be around 30. The ladies I worked with were amazing, I don't think I've ever felt so welcomed by women who were older than I am than this past weekend from these lovely ladies. I taught canoe all day Saturday and about froze my toes off, I thought I was going to write a short post about how my weekend went but there was something else I wanted to say about this weekend.

Late Saturday night after the rest of the camp had gone to bed and were all asleep in their sleeping bags; me, the cook, and the program director sat up and talked. We originally were talking about random stupid things and then they asked about my life. Or rather my romantic life. They asked about this new guy. They asked if we were still in that big goofy smile stage where you can't stop looking at them with the googly eyes. I told them we were never in that stage and immediately they said "he's not the one." I had this crazy look on my face probably cause they both explained their husbands were the only ones they were never able to stop looking and smiling all goofingly at. Not only did they teach me that somewhat ridiculous information but they did tell me something really smart. Don't go down to any guys level. If they aren't on your level they aren't worth it. And to never change who I was for anyone. I've heard the latter for years but it really just hit home hearing it from them.

I think the reason the whole idea of being married and settling down has been on my mind recently is because a lot of my friends are getting married and people are asking when that'll be me. And the fact that these two women told me just because everyone else was getting married doesn't mean I should feel bad about myself or try and change myself just so I can find someone to put a ring on my finger and marry me. But to wait for someone that was actually special and didn't make me change.

Okay, that was way more sappy than I wanted it to be. I'm going to finish watching tv and then go to bed. My power is back on from it's little outage this afternoon and I've finished all my work, I think it's time I start going to be early.

1 comment:

  1. Aw. Yeah, a lot of my friends are getting engaged and stuff. I personally, have always thought I'd marry young and all...and I've been dating the same guy for two years now, and I keep wanting us to just get engaged already lol. My boyfriend isn't ready yet, which is understandable. I mean, we're 18 and all...haha. I can't help it. I guess I'm just like that lol
